I want to talk today about Noise and Bootstraps.
When I started work in 1965, no member of the public would have known
what a bootstrap was (apart from real boots of course). Now, most people know
what it means to ‘boot’ your PC, or your phone.
I have even had to reboot a car once. I had just arrived at the Grand Canyon in a hire car
when the aircon started playing up; it was behaving strangely, and not cooling
properly. I though for a moment, then turned the ignition off, waited, and
restarted. It recovered perfectly – I had rebooted the car.
The reason why this process is known as ‘booting’ is that a raw
computer, or other smart device, is a bit like a new born baby. It has
potential, but not many well formed actions. The bootstrapping process
gradually builds up levels of capability, with each level being needed to bring
in the next one. Because the process starts almost from nothing, it is like
pulling yourself up by your own bootlaces.
There are a lot of things that work a bit like this, and some (all?) are
systems with feedback. I’ve tried to write a book about feedback, so I won’t be
going into that in any detail. Sufficient to say that feedback involves feeding
back some signal from a system output into an input of the same system. I use the word ‘system’ to refer to any
complex thing or organisation, like a living organism, or part of one, or a
company, or a country, or a computer, or other electronics.
The thing about systems with feedback is that they have to start
somewhere. If I feed back part of the output to the input, where does the first
input come from? It’s a bit like the chicken and the egg. In real life it all
gets rather complicated, because systems can have many inputs and outputs, and
many feedback mechanisms that overlap.
But some feedback systems are fairly simple, like the well known ‘howl’
you can get from an amplifier and a microphone. This is cause by ‘positive’
feedback between the loudspeaker, the mike, and the amplifier. But it all has
to start with some signal that gets amplified and re-amplified. Even in a
totally quiet room the process can start. How? Well, it’s called Noise.
This doesn’t necessarily mean an audible sound – though it could be. Any
electronic system always has a certain amount of internal electronic ‘noise’ –
a very small electronic signal. This is caused by the random energetic motion
of electrons in the system. There is always some energy present unless the
whole system is at absolute zero – that’s very cold. And even then it gets
complicated by quantum theory, but we definitely won’t be going into that here.
There are other electronic systems that rely on feedback; one is called
an oscillator – you will have one in your watch or clock. It produces a regular
signal that can be used to indicate time, and it also has to be started with a
bit of noise somewhere.
The funny thing about all this is that ‘noise’ is generally regarded as
a nuisance in electronics – it causes things like hiss in sound systems. But it
is also a vital element in making things work. It’s a bit like friction, which
causes lots of problems, but is also necessary so that we can do things like
It gets even more interesting when you consider evolution. Evolution is,
amongst other things, a kind of feedback system. It uses feedback from the
interaction between a system and its environment to adapt the system. But it
all had to start somewhere. Nobody knows exactly how, as yet anyway. But in
some sense what it needed was a bit of noise – some random juggling of atoms
and molecules, driven by energy from the sun, until the system started to
bootstrap its way into life (literally).
There are techniques in computing called optimisation which have to
solve difficult problems of finding the ‘best’ solution. These methods use
various techniques which ‘explore’ the solution space or ‘geography’. Some of
them are actually called ‘hill climbing’, because they resemble the problem of
trying to find the highest point in a hilly area. The trouble is that you can
find the highest ‘local’ point, but can’t be sure that there isn’t a higher one
nearby. One of the methods used in trying to avoid this problem is to introduce
a kind of ‘noise’ by randomly shifting the solution point, so that it less
likely to get ‘stuck’ in a false optimum.
If the process of adding noise is repeated several times, it is referred
to as ‘simulated annealing’, because it is similar to the process of repeatedly
heating and cooling metal. This process itself uses a kind of noise – heat energy,
which jiggles the atoms and molecules around until they find a ‘better’
solution – harder metal.
So, just as friction is something that can cause things to ‘get stuck’,
so noise is something that can get things moving again. In a very real sense,
noise is a fundamental part of the universe.
Science has not yet quite come up with the answer to how the universe
started. This is a big subject; it isn’t even clear how many universes there
are, whether they are finite, or infinite in time or space. Even framing these
questions is tricky. Defining the word universe is tricky. Anyway, the point I
am getting to is that starting a universe is a bootstrap process. You start
with nothing, and end up with something. Maybe. And what do we need to start
this up? Yup, noise.
Quantum theory (incomplete though it maybe) tells us that empty space is
not, well, empty. It is actually a thriving zoo of ‘virtual’ particles popping
into a quasi existence before popping off again. Sort of. Maybe. And it may be
that some sort of quantum noise was the trigger that booted the whole business.
As someone (can’t remember who) said: ‘Nothing’ is unstable. It wants to be
something. Like Marlon Brando (on the Waterfront). And its all down to noise.
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