THE iTHING Feb 2009
I have been
thinking about getting an iPhone, or something similar. But I have put it off
for the moment, partly because of cost, but also because I want to figure out
the whole business of portable devices.
While I think of
it, the business of cost is also relevant. Now you can get an iPhone for free –
isn’t that great? Of course you have to commit to paying (in the UK ) £40 per month for the next two years.
That’s about £1000. So not quite free, then is it? To be fair, this gives you
phone calls and data access included, which then raises the whole issue of
mobile versus land line, and mobile broadband and Wimax and…. But I don’t want
to get into all that, at least not yet. I just want to think about mobile
I currently have about
four small mobile electronic devices:
a mobile phone (old and basic)
an iPod
an old HP IPAQ pocket pc (aka PDA)
a Minolta digital camera
And that is not
counting my video camera (because it is bulky), or my satnav (because that goes
in my car).
I also have
chargers for each of these devices, because of course they all have batteries
that are incompatible. This is something I may return to later.
I actually still
use my old PDA quite a lot, which might amuse up to the minute gadget geeks. It
is quite powerful as it can play MP3s, display photos, record sound, display
PDF files, hold a multi language dictionary, use a shopping list program, and
let me read books, and edit and view Word and Excel files. I even have some
(very crude) street maps on it which have been extracted from MS Autoroute, and
contain details of POIs (points of interest).If it had WiFi (I couldn’t afford
it at the time), I could also access emails. But the battery life is pretty
bad, and the screen isn’t really good enough in any amount of sunlight.
I find using the
stylus and on screen keyboard is quite easy and quick, it seems to me to be to
be preferable to iPhone type touch screen key entry, especially if you have
chunky fingers. A stylus is a pretty good device which seems to have vanished
in the frenzy of multi-touch screens now enveloping the mobile phone world. I
have even managed to read a book on the PDA (mainly indoors); it is surprising
how little problem is caused by a small screen. After all, you can only
actually read a few words in a few seconds, though your eye does hop a round a
bit while reading. If you have a paragraph (which is about what you get on my
PDA screen), it seems quite enough. I expect some people would not like it, and
screens are better now anyway, but it shows how you can use new devices in ways
that would not appear to be viable at first sight.
Now let us list
all the things I might want to do with a pocket mobile device:
Play music or podcasts
Make or receive a phone call (with
option for video link)
Show photographs
Send or receive a text message
(could be TXT or email)
Access web sites
See where I am on a map, and
navigate to locations
Take photos or small videos
Record sound scenes or notes
Make and view text notes, or longer
documents (incl. PDF)
Do simple calculations, or simple
spread sheets
Keep todo list(s)
Look at a calendar and record
Read a book, or listen to one (human
or synthesised)
Listen to radio (broadcast or net
Watch TV or a movie (broadcast, net
stream, or stored)
And naturally, I
expect to be able to synch this device with a laptop, network, or cloud web
site, if for no other reason than backup security. Though I suppose this could
be done using a flash drive or similar.
Now you can just
about do all of these things with a modern smart phone like the iPhone, with
some caveats.
Firstly, the
screen is still rather small for watching videos or reading a book, or even for
web browsing. They do a good job with what there is, but it is a limiting
factor. It is also not as good as a book reader, unlike Amazon’s Kindle with
Of course, it is
hard to make one device that is suitable for book reading, watching videos and
making phone calls. Or at least, it is if you want to hold it to your ear and
mouth. Something like the Kindle is great for reading books, but a bit on the
large size for putting in your pocket, unless you have big pockets.
Secondly, battery
life is still not good enough on small devices to let you do all the above for
any extended length of time.
Thirdly, although
smart phones are getting better cameras (at least in pixel count), they still
are not as good for taking photos as dedicated digital cameras. Its hard to fit
a zoom lens into a smart phone in any sensible way, tho digital zoom with 12
megapixels may be getting close.
entering text on smart phones is still somewhat problematical, at least for a
document of any length. Even those with slide out keyboards are only really
intended for short text messages. The most successful is possibly the
Blackberry, though even that is definitely targeted at just emails.
Fifthly, memory
on iPhones is still a bit small for a full size music collection, photos, some
videos and documents. Still, this should be overcome fairly soon with 32GB or
64GB memory options.
So, where does
that leave us.
Well, if you just
want one pocket mobile device, then an iPhone, or similar is the best bet, but
it would make sense to wait a bit until 32GB+ is available for a reasonable
price. I know you can always say ‘wait’, but at present, the iPhone is just not
a good replacement for my 30GB iPod. And if I have to keep my iPod, then an
iPhone is overkill, and expensive.
Kindles and the
Sony ebook reader are still in their infancy, and don’t do a lot except let you
read books (and download them).
So if you want
something big enough to read books comfortably, and do other things, then the
best bet is a netbook, though it has to have a really good screen. This would,
at present, have to be supplemented by a smart phone with GPS etc.
Now the ideal
solution could be along these lines. A netbook with a good colour screen,
plenty of memory and built in GPS, WiFi, G3. It would of course have the
ability to play audio and video and have simple apps for word processing,
spreadsheet, calendar, to do lists, email and web browsing. Built in radio and
TV tuners could be nice, but arguably the ability to stream over the web could
make these redundant.
Now comes the
tricky bit. Making phone calls could be handled by a wireless (Bluetooth
probably) headset, though the ability to use the basic device as a speaker
phone would be nice.
But what about
taking photos or video? Recording sound would be OK, but twirling a netbook
around to take photos just doesn’t sound reasonable.
And a netbook is
not really a pocket device, though readily portable.
So we are left
with the fact that seemingly one device just can’t do it all – as yet. Maybe it
could be possible with flexible, roll up screens, and virtual keyboards, or
near perfect speech recognition, but these are some way off.
So, final
conclusions (for today):
1. Wait for
iPhone or other smart phone (Nokia, Palm?, HTC Android..) to be reasonable cost
with 32GB or better. If it had stylus text entry, so much the better for me.
And I really want WiFi so I can access the web (admittedly from limited
locations) without paying an expensive monthly contract.
2. Possibly add a
netbook for better word processing and email handling, but again it could be
better to wait until someone produces a netbook/ebook reader combo.
3. An ebook
reader at present is an expensive luxury with not enough functionality.
Oh, and hang on
to the digital camera.
Update March 2011
Well, things have
changed a bit, but perhaps not all that much.
I now have a
Nokia 5800 – not too expensive, no monthly contract, and GPS with free world
wide maps and turn by turn sat nav. It has a decent camera (2 actually), plays
MP3s and videos, shows photos, and can browse the web – but not very well. It’s
really too small for book reading, and I need extra software to be able to
handle Word and Excel files – but its probably not worth it for me.
And yes I also
have an iPad (Wifi) – just because it does some things so very well, but I
don’t see it as an alternative to my other devices. And why anyone should want
to actually take a photo with an iPad is beyond me. I guess the front facing
camera makes sense for video calling, but I would tend to use Skype for that on
my netbook.
And my wife now
has a Kindle – but only because the price came down to a no brain decision.
So the conclusion
is roughly the same – I need several devices to cover all the requirements,
though I have almost stopped using my digital camera.
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